Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Prancing Pony

Necklace - one wink at DSW, pumps - Kelly and Katie at DSW, handbag - vintage, top - target, trench - gap, skirt - anthropology 

Things are finally heating up again down south! It was warm enough wear a skirt! Hallelujah!!! I was feeling a bit feisty and wanted to let the ponies out to play - the horses on this gorgeous skirt that is!  I snagged this beauty from a user on Poshmark, an app that lets you buy and sell clothing and accessories with other savvy shoppers from all over. 

In other news, spring rolling in has had me in a deep state of reflection. This is a time of year where we are surrounded by all of creations new beginnings. The New Years resolutions of the world are likely fading out, as the change in the air calls to our longing of "something new" all over agin. A few short months ago I just knew I would be steadfast in my resolve to get out of the house more, and what happened? I got snowed in. In my restlessness, I have been left not only wanting to escape my house, but to escape the mundane. Is my job still fulfilling? Are my usual pastimes (knitting. A lot...) still as rewarding? 

This year, spring feels different. Perhaps it's just my nostalgia of the coast, and missing some of my college friends. Perhaps it's because I'm married now, and I'm going through my fourth full season, and first full year with my beloved. Perhaps I just really did suffer too much cabin fever this winter...but it's something. Last year was full of wonderful, and I can't stop now. 

Thanks for visiting
~Ashley Jane ~

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Half of the fun of getting married has been settling in to our new home. We found a cozy spot to rent near some friends and Plaza Midwood - a great neighborhood that we like to spend time in.

One of the things that drew me to this house is that it has a sunroom! I've slowly been decorating and making it a cozy spot that I'll be able to spend time in when it warms up enough. I've been sticking to a mostly white and gold palette, which warms up the darker exposed brick. 

Even though this is a popular color trend right now, I was still struggling to find some focal pieces that I liked for the room.  So DIY to the rescue!

I made this by getting crafty with some spray paint and tape. It used to be a pink and purple patterned print from ikea, and I just plain didn't like it anymore. It's so easy to give new life and new meaning to unused items that you already own.

I made this little treasure by spray painting some sticks and twigs from outside white and glueing them with a hot glue gun to this frame. I also painted the frame gold, to keep with my color theme....what was tricky was getting the sticks to the right length so I could glue down the tops of some as well. I had to dab some glue in the spots where they overlap as well. This was the more time consuming project of the two but well worth it! 

Want step by step pics? Comment and let me know!!!

Have a great day.
Ashley Jane 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Weekend Getaway

This past weekend was a blast! We took off to Charleston SC with some friends of ours for a birthday celebration. I wish I had more photos to share. And I really wish the ones that I do have were of better quality, but hey, I'll do better next time.

I packed pretty light, and made use of two looks involving the same pair of denim from Loft. Alternating some cute tops with a great pair of jeans is the easiest way to pack and still get multiple outfits. I know...that's pretty groundbreaking, right? 

Until next time.
Ashley Jane

Thursday, February 26, 2015

One last flashback


so one last thing that I wanted to share with everyone was some engagement photos and some moments from our wedding.

Hope you enjoyed! 

Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Hair Evolution

My hair alone has been through quite a few changes. I had the chance to be a hair model for The Cult of the Cut - so of course I went along for the ride! 

I can't wait to reveal all of the photos from that project. For now I thought I'd give you a few snapshots of the timeline that I'm calling "my hair evolution."

Before any changes, my hair had grown long long long.

All trimmed up! Getting used to the length before the photo shoot.

Teaser from the shoot- a few more changes here!! I had no eyebrows, even!

And here we land, in my current state. This little shot had me blowing kissy selfies to my hubby - but my hair looked cute here :) 

So, from here on out we'll be watching my hair grow and change colors and evolve some more. That's the fun thing about hair, though - no matter what changes you make, it always grows back!

Have a great day. 

Been a while Crocodile

Truly, it has been so long since I have posted, but I'm back in action!

For a long time, I kept this up as a personal project but had primarily been joined up with the blog Posession Obsession. After a while both got to be too much.

My friend Christie had named that one- very cute! She has since moved to Spain working with TESOL, so our collaboration on a blog became a pretty hard idea to keep up with. Being that Posession Obsession was her namesake, and it was OUR thing, I felt very strange keeping up with it solo. It easily spoke to who we were as friends, but I want that cyber space to remain ours. A cherished something to remain out there in the world.

This space is mine, though. It's going to be cozy and warm. And pretty and fun. My little safe harbor .

Here are a few looks that took place over last year...and to tie in the last post from 2013- a photo or two of my 2014 trip to Maine as well!

A few other big changes have happened....like my wedding! But I'll get to that one later.

Have a great day.