Necklace - one wink at DSW, pumps - Kelly and Katie at DSW, handbag - vintage, top - target, trench - gap, skirt - anthropology
Things are finally heating up again down south! It was warm enough wear a skirt! Hallelujah!!! I was feeling a bit feisty and wanted to let the ponies out to play - the horses on this gorgeous skirt that is! I snagged this beauty from a user on Poshmark, an app that lets you buy and sell clothing and accessories with other savvy shoppers from all over.
In other news, spring rolling in has had me in a deep state of reflection. This is a time of year where we are surrounded by all of creations new beginnings. The New Years resolutions of the world are likely fading out, as the change in the air calls to our longing of "something new" all over agin. A few short months ago I just knew I would be steadfast in my resolve to get out of the house more, and what happened? I got snowed in. In my restlessness, I have been left not only wanting to escape my house, but to escape the mundane. Is my job still fulfilling? Are my usual pastimes (knitting. A lot...) still as rewarding?
This year, spring feels different. Perhaps it's just my nostalgia of the coast, and missing some of my college friends. Perhaps it's because I'm married now, and I'm going through my fourth full season, and first full year with my beloved. Perhaps I just really did suffer too much cabin fever this winter...but it's something. Last year was full of wonderful, and I can't stop now.
Thanks for visiting
~Ashley Jane ~